Special Interview Showcase
on The Odyssey ScoopCast
Showcasing The Odyssey
ScoopCast's finer moments
The Odyssey ScoopCast
occasionally goes
behind-the-scenes with those who
make Adventures in Odyssey
great. Actors, writers, sound
designers―no one is off limits! |
Katie Leigh
Voice of
Connie Kendall
The town of Odyssey wouldn't be
the same without perpetual
teenager Connie Kendall. Katie
Leigh discusses her role on
Adventures in Odyssey over
the years, Connie's journey to
adulthood, and acting in the
episode "Life Expectancy." In
addition, Katie talks about
writing her new book with actor
and friend, Will Ryan.
Phil Lollar
Co-Creator for Adventures in
Creator of several audio
Adventures in Odyssey―Phil
Lollar takes us into the craft
of storytelling and discusses
projects he's been involved with
over the years.
Voice of Jared
Voice of one of Adventures in
Odyssey's most popular
characters of all time, actor
Brandon Gilberstadt details his
time with the Odyssey team and
his experience with other acting
Kimmy Robertson
Voice of
Penny Wise
Kimmy Robertson expounds on her
involvement with Adventures
in Odyssey and other acting
opportunities. It's a casual
conversation with Connie
Kendall's friend and room mate,
Penny Wise.
John Campbell
Composer for
Adventures in Odyssey
Adventures in Odyssey
wouldn't be the world's #1 audio
drama without the dedication of
composer John Campbell. John
describes the work involved in
creating and setting the mood
for each scene. Plus, he
chronicles the progression of
the Odyssey theme.
Brock Eastman
Marketing Manager for Adventures
in Odyssey
Energetic marketing manager and
author Brock Eastman discusses
his involvement in marketing for
Adventures in Odyssey,
his book series, and gives
advice to aspiring writers.
Whit Hertford
Voice of Jay
Although he shares his name with
Odyssey's central character,
actor Whit Hertford voices
psychological and loveable bully
Jay Smouse for Adventures in
Odyssey. Whit shares his
involvement with the show and
his acting career.
Diehl & Nathan Jones
Designers for Adventures in
No audio drama series would be
complete without the hard work
and craft of sound designers
Christopher Diehl and Nathan
Jones. Chris and Nathan show
listeners the tedious (and
rewarding) work that goes into
producing each individual scene
on Adventures in Odyssey.