Never be without The Odyssey Scoop.


You can help us keep The Odyssey ScoopCast in production from week to week, including more insightful interviews with the Adventures in Odyssey creators, writers, and faces. Sponsor current and future episodes by making a one time donation. Or, you can become a subscriber with us and set up recurring donations at a monthly basis―at a level of giving you can afford.


We need you to help us keep the ScoopCast, well, Scooping.

The Odyssey Scoop is an unofficial fan podcast which is run on a volunteer basis. Everything you see here has been provided to you for free and on a not-for-profit basis. Each year we spend a good portion of time and money to gain information and get it to our visitors on a consistent basis. Due to our yearly operating costs, it is challenging to keep the website running and available to fans.

If you like what you see and believe in what we do, consider helping us put a dent in our yearly operating expenses. Give to the Odyssey Scoop! Any contributions you have to offer would be greatly appreciated as our operating costs rise each year.

Donations are used for:

  • Funding of each episode of The Odyssey ScoopCast, including production costs, producing behind-the-scenes interviews with Adventures in Odyssey actors, writers, sound designers, and more.
  • Hosting of audio files and keeping up with items under the hood
  • Website upkeep and maintenance

You can help us keep The Odyssey ScoopCast in production from week to week, including more insightful interviews with the Adventures in Odyssey creators, writers, and faces. Sponsor current and future episodes by making a one time donation. Or, you can become a subscriber with us and set up recurring donations at a monthly basis―at a level of giving you can afford.

Would you consider helping us meet our operating expenses, and ultimately, our vision?

Make a One Time Donation Donate Monthly, at Your Level of Commitment

The Odyssey ScoopCast is a production of The Odyssey Scoop and Tadpole Media Group.