Triple-Decker Sundae in
December 31, 2023
Some things are worth waiting for. The
ScoopCast team presents a long review of "Triple-Decker Sundae," the
next episode in Album 71 and the Lost One arc. Ryan, Michael, and Timmy
have a lot to say about incredible writing, deep questions handled well,
a compelling antagonist, and much more, all part of what might be the
best episode of AIO yet. |
Higher than Your Ways in
December 31, 2022
Next up is "Higher than Our
Ways" from Adventures in
Odyssey Album 71. Up for
discussion are Ms.
Adelaide's and Wilson Knox's
roles in the process, the
significance of the show's
overall message, Chris's
powerful wrap-up, and more. |
Please Adjust Your Frequency
in Review
December 31, 2021
The ScoopCast team is back to review
"Please Adjust Your
Frequency," the next episode
in Adventures in Odyssey
Album 71. Besides Jay's
creepy crush on Zoe, the
trio of hosts have glowing
remarks on the humorous
writing, each character's
jukebox of voices,
references to creative
differences, and the moral
of working together. And
where did all these crowes
come from? |
The Christmas Bells in
December 24, 2021
We interrupt our regularly scheduled
reviews series for
Adventures in Odyssey
Album 71 to usher in our
review of "The Christmas
Bells" from Album 70. The
team discusses the
showcasing of actors'
talents throughout the
series and analyzes some of
the dialog from the script.
In addition, Wilson Knox's
recent premonitions and the
role of prophecy are up for
discussion. Ring the bells
of Christmas and join us for
this edition of the podcast. |
The Team in Review
December 6, 2021
Our review series of Adventures in
Odyssey Album 71, "A
Slippery Slope," has begun,
but will it quickly snowball
downhill? The podcast trio
evaluates the character of
Morrie Rydell, standards of
morality, ethics, and trust
in the midst of the
unraveling story of "The
Team." Has the character of
Morrie gone cold with the
fans? Find out in the first
part of our Album 71 review
series. |
Let's Call the Whole Thing
Off in Review
November 29, 2021
Honesty is the best policy... or is it?
This concept appears to be
on the line in the latest
episode of the podcast.
Hosts Michael LaFaver, Ryan
Matlock, and Timmy Baze
question the lessons being
taught in "Let's Call the
Whole Thing Off." Is Morrie
Rydell's wrongdoing
justifiable? Also up for
debate is how well this
episode handles the mystery,
other characters,
consequences, detention
scenes, and Emily's
emotions. Find out only here
on the ScoopCast! |
The Protector in Review
November 23, 2021
The ScoopCast zooms in to save the day
with a review of the next
episode in Album 70, "The
Protector." The team debates
Wyatt's tendency to
exaggerate, how it's handled
in this story, and how he
relates to his family. We
also discuss flawed parents,
Connie's acting, and an
unexpected (but solvable)
mystery. This edition of the
Odyssey ScoopCast is in
memory of Will Ryan. |
Unrelatable in Review
November 14, 2021
The podcast trio moves right along with
their review of "Unrelatable"
from Album 70: "Finding a
Way." The team dissects
Connie's actions in the
episode and compares them to
her early days as a
Christian in Odyssey. Do her
actions align with her
character? Wooton is also
under the microscope, too.
How does he hold up
alongside other characters?
Relate (or don't) to our
views in the latest episode
review. |
Auto Response in Review
November 7, 2021
The ScoopCast's review series of Album
70: "Finding a Way"
continues full speed ahead
with "Auto Response." As
Michael, Ryan, and Timmy
break down all the character
moments in this packed
episode, we explore the
changes in Buck Oliver,
Jules's merits (or lack
thereof) as a character, and
how the ending's twist
changes everything about how
we view Detective Polehaus.
And somehow Connie is
sedated, Eugene is
Shakespeare, and Jillian is
sane? Get all our opinions
right here. |
Jumping Off, Jumping In
in Review
5, 2021
Jump into our review series of Adventures
in Odyssey Album 70:
"Finding a Way." Michael,
Ryan, and Timmy splash into
the episode "Jumping Off,
Jumping In" and discuss the
unfolding adventure. The
team explores the character
development of Wyatt Perkins
as well as the use of
exposition throughout the
episode. And is Whit true to
character, and why is
Bridget in danger? |
California Dreams in
18, 2021
We're off to California in
the latest edition of the
podcast in our review of
"California Dreams." The
team discusses the contrast
between Connie and Jules'
visits to California (then
and now). In addition,
identity is the heart of the
conversation as the team
tackles the message being
communicated through Jules's
journey. Plus, the Buck and
Jules conflict, plot,
character development, and
portrayal of Californians
tag along for the ride. |
For a Song in Review
11, 2021
The Odyssey ScoopCast
welcomes a new member to the team, Timmy Baze. Michael, Ryan, and Timmy
review "For a Song" from Adventures in Odyssey Album 69, "Best Kept
Secrets." The team discusses Buck's maturity, Valerie's character
progression, and throwbacks to older episodes. And what makes Jules' songs
so popular? |
B-TV Revenge and
Crash Course in Review
December 1, 2020
Opinions soar as the
ScoopCast team reviews the
last two episodes of
Adventures in Odyssey
Album 63: "B-TV: Revenge"
and "Crash Course." The team
discusses effectiveness of
humor in episodes, Eugene
and Katrina's parenting
progression, and the
continuity of Buck's
character. Chris isn't off
the hook either as the team
conveys concerns about
applying morals and
Scripture to episodes. And
what does Mrs. Kramer have
to do with anything? |
Friend or Foe and
Have a Heart in Review
5, 2020
The team joins forces to
review two episodes of
Adventures in Odyssey Album
63. In their review of
"Friend or Foe," Garrett,
Ryan, and Lee discuss Connie
and Jules' relationship,
Connie's role as an
authority figure, and the
overall message of the show.
Plus, they review "Have a
Heart" and analyze Buddy's
character development and
imagination, Dion's change
of heart, and Chris's
conclusion. |
Find a Penny in Review
20, 2020
It's time for the launch of another
Adventures in Odyssey episode review series. As The Odyssey ScoopCast
moves to their review of Album 63, "Up in the Air," the team discusses the
two-part episode, "Find a Penny," including topics such as the Penny and
Wooton dynamic, comic relief, the expositional hammer, amnesia, and more.
Join us for our next line of reviews as our hosts discuss their thoughts. |
Legacy in Review
29, 2020
The Odyssey ScoopCast
concludes our review series
of Album 62, "Let's Put on a
Show." Kevin, Garrett, and
Ryan discuss the two-part
episode "Legacy" and the
significance behind it,
utilizing the talent of
actors, and conversion story
arcs. Plus, the team
discusses the potential for
future episodes. |
SCOOP: Rotaries and
May 23, 2020
It's the 75th episode of the ScoopCast, and
also the (belated) 10th anniversary since we started! Blow those
noisemakers! Ryan Matlock pops in to say hello for this edition of the
SCOOP, and Lee adds a few more podcasts he missed to the list from last
time. |
SCOOP: Ten Peas in a Pod
15, 2020
Huh? The ScoopCast is back?! Lee Acim hijacks
the show in another edition
of The SCOOP, showcasing all
ten currently active
Adventures in Odyssey
fan podcasts. During this
special segment, Lee shares
vital states and tidbits
about each fan podcast and
what makes them stand out
from each other. |
The Grass Is Always Greener
in Review
23, 2019
Moving right along, the team reviews "The
Grass Is Always Greener"
from Adventures in
Odyssey Album 62. The
podcast trio discusses the
Parker family's role and
development in the show, Red
Hollard, the lesson woven
into the episode, and
whether this episode is a
cut above the rest. |
Fathers and Sons in
26, 2019
Next up in our review series
is "Fathers and Sons" from
Adventures in Odyssey
Album 62. Kevin, Garrett,
and Ryan discuss their
thoughts on the plot and
mystery of the episode. And
what do memes and "The
Treasure of LeMonde" have to
do with it? |
No Friend Like an Old Friend
in Review
19, 2019
The ScoopCast (finally!) continues their
review series of Adventures in Odyssey Album 62 with "No Friend Like
an Old Friend." The team comes back together to discuss the theme of the
episode, the introduction of a Wilson Knox to the show, the return of Phil
Lollar, and more. |
Connie the Counselor in
November 24, 2017
The ScoopCast team begins a brand new review
series of Album 62 with
"Connie the Counselor."
Kevin, Garrett, and Ryan
discuss Connie and Eugene's
banter over styles of
parenting, Eugene's ability
to relate to his adoptive
son, and even cultural
references in the episode. |
Interview with Phil Lollar,
Part 3
17, 2017
As we wrap up our interview with
Adventures in Odyssey
writer Phil Lollar, the
importance of remaining
timeless in writing is the
meat of the conversation.
Phil discusses the
differences between writing
30 years ago and the
challenges of writing for a
post-modern culture today.
Is maintaining relevance
possible? And how does Renee
Carter fit into fit into the
scene? Find out in the
engaging conclusion to our
interview with Phil Lollar. |
Interview with Phil Lollar,
Part 2
9, 2017
Our ScoopCast interview with Adventures in
Odyssey co-creator Phil
Lollar continues as he
discusses the role of
directing episodes of the
show and collaborating with
the actors in the studio.
Also, Phil talks about the
special musical episode
"Legacy," Will Ryan, and the
Saguaro Sisters. |
Interview with Phil Lollar,
Part 1
29, 2017
The Odyssey ScoopCast brings Adventures in
Odyssey co-creator Phil
Lollar back for another
Odyssey discussion. Phil
recalls his transition back
to working on the Odyssey
team and writing new
episodes for a modern AIO.
Plus, Phil describes the
challenge of writing for the
show's central character,
John Avery Whittaker. It's
the first part of a podcast
series you won't want to
miss! |
A Very Bassett Wedding
in Review
December 18, 2016
The Odyssey ScoopCast team puts a ring on
their review series of
Adventures in Odyssey
Album 61, "Without a Hitch."
This time, "A Very Bassett
Wedding" is up for
discussion with the wedding
of the century (okay, make
it album). The team analyzes
the chemistry between
characters, Odyssey wedding
disasters, and the final
outcome of the episode. |
The Key Suspect in
December 4, 2016
The Odyssey ScoopCast
reviews the latest Jones and
Parker mystery episode "The
Key Suspect" from
Adventures in Odyssey
Album 61. They discuss the
mystery behind the mystery,
the return of Dion, and
more. Plus, Garrett
introduces a brand-new
segment: Odyssey Theory. |
Parker for President and
Old Tricks in Review
November 25, 2016
The Odyssey ScoopCast review series for
Adventures in Odyssey
Album 61 continues. The team
discusses "Parker for
President," plot
predictability, and the
introduction of the
character of Morrie. Plus,
they also review "Old
Tricks" and discuss the
character of Buck Oliver,
Eugene and Katrina, and
great drama. |
The Feud of Mason County
in Review
November 11, 2016
The Odyssey ScoopCast begins its new review
series for Album 61:
Without a Hitch. The
team dives into the episode
"The Feud of Mason County"
and discusses the show's
premise and array of
stereotypical characters.
Plus, has John Avery
Whittaker's character been
consistent for nearly 30
years, or has he morphed
into something else? |
Between the Lines in
20, 2016
The Odyssey ScoopCast
concludes its review series
for Adventures in Odyssey
Album 60: Head over Heels.
The team reviews the
two-part episode "Between
the Lines" and discusses
scripting of the episode and
actor performances. In
addition, the team delves
into a deeper discussion
relating to relevant and
mature themes in modern
culture as they pertain to
Adventures in Odyssey. |
The Case of the Ball Cap
Hero in Review
13, 2016
The review series for Adventures in
Album 60 continues with "The
Case of the Ball Cap Hero."
The team discusses the plot
reveals of Jones and Parker
mysteries. Are fans able to
logically solve the mystery
based on the plot, or is it
too vague? |
Cycle of Fear and No
Cause for Concern in
6, 2016
The Odyssey ScoopCast continues its Album 60
review series with "Cycle of
Fear" and "No Cause for
Concern." The team discusses
predictability of plotlines,
twins, bicycle pedals, and
more. |
Words from the Wise in
20, 2016
The Odyssey ScoopCast begins a new
Adventures in Odyssey
album review series with
Album 60: Head over Heels.
Garrett and Ryan welcome a
new member to the team,
Caleb Weidman, and the three
put the episode Words
from the Wise under the
microscope. |
SCOOP: More Than Perfect
November 26, 2015
The Odyssey ScoopCast brings
you another edition of The
SCOOP, a segment that tells
you everything you need to
know about the latest
Adventures in Odyssey
happenings. Host Ryan
Matlock covers Christmas
countdowns, upcoming Album
60 news, Whit's basketball
trick shots, and more. |
Conclusions with Katie
October 12, 2015
The Odyssey ScoopCast concludes its interview
with actress Katie Leigh,
voice of Connie Kendall for
Adventures in Odyssey.
Katie recollects the
recording of "Life
Expectancy" and shares the
ease of playing Connie for
over two decades and
bringing herself to the
part. |
SCOOP: Candid Conversations
and Celebrations
January 17, 2015
Join ScoopCast host Ryan Matlock as he
discusses the latest
happenings with
Adventures in Odyssey,
including the release of the
first audio book performed
by actress Katie Leigh,
Odyssey Adventure Club news,
and birthday celebrations. |
Reflections with Katie Leigh
September 22, 2014
When emotions run high, Connie Kendall is
probably on the scene. Voice
actress Katie Leigh shares
her experience acting for
Life Expectancy, as well
as her friendship with "Get
in the Show" winner Shona
Kennedy, voice of Connie's
half sister. Plus, she
describes the parallels
between real life as Katie
Leigh and her role as Connie
Kendall in the recording
studio. It's Part 4 of an
interview series you don't
want to miss. |
What's in a Connie?
September 14, 2014
Kevin McCreary and Josh Taylor continue their
interview with Katie Leigh,
voice of Connie Kendall for
Adventures in Odyssey.
The three discuss the future
of the show and Connie's
journey to adulthood. |
Candid Conversations with
September 5, 2014
The Odyssey ScoopCast welcomes YouTube
sensation Josh Taylor into
the ScoopCasters guild as
co-host of the show. In
addition, we continue our
interview with Katie Leigh,
voice of Connie Kendall on
Adventures in Odyssey.
Katie discusses her
interaction with Jess
Harnell, voice of the
animated town mailman,
Wooton Bassett. Plus, she
describes the process of
writing her upcoming book. |
Interview with Katie Leigh,
voice of Connie Kendall
August 29, 2014
ScoopCast hosts Kevin McCreary and Josh
Taylor begin an interview
with Katie Leigh, voice of
Connie Kendall for
Adventures in Odyssey.
Katie discusses bringing
Odyssey to the fans as well
as and her latest book
project. |
The Pilot in Review
July 4, 2014
The ScoopCast wraps up its review series of
Album 57: A Call to
Something More. The team
discusses The Pilot
two-parter, including
special nods to
Adventures in Odyssey
fans, and the things that
everyone is thinking after
hearing this season—Will
Connie and Jeff take
their relationship further?
Also, they discuss the
richness of themes presented
throughout the show's
history. |
Life Expectancy in
Review, Part 3
April 5, 2014
The ScoopCast concludes its review of "Life
Expectancy" from Album 57:
A Call to Something More.
The podcast team discusses
the introduction of
potential love interest Jeff
Lewis, Connie's future story
in Adventures in Odyssey,
and where the show is headed
in the days ahead. |
Life Expectancy in
Review, Part 2
February 12, 2014
The ScoopCast continues its review of "Life
Expectancy" from Album 57:
A Call to Something More.
Special guest Josh Taylor
from Blimey Cow continues
with the team as they
discuss Wooton's comic
relief, the meaning of life,
and the overall impact of
the episode. |
Life Expectancy in
Review, Part 1
January 23, 2014
The ScoopCast brings in special guest Josh
Taylor from the Blimey Cow
YouTube sensation to discuss
one of the most memorable
episodes from A Call to
Something More. The team
begins their review of "Life
Expectancy" and shares the
emotion evoked in the
episode, Wooton's role in
breaking the news to Connie,
and Bill Kendall's ongoing
relationship with months of
the year. |
Big Trouble Under the Big
in Review
January 6, 2014
Adventures in Odyssey
Album 57 reviews continue
with the episode "Big
Trouble Under the Big Top".
The team discusses the
concept behind the episode,
clown noses, and Barrett
Jones. Plus, Kevin announces
the launch of the Odyssey
Adventure Club. |
Repent After Me
in Review
November 28, 2013
The podcast team reviews Adventures in
Odyssey Album 57 with
the episode "Repent After
Me". Kevin, Garrett, and
Ryan discuss the character
of Barrett Jones, character
development, and mysteries
in Odyssey. |
More Than a Feeling
in Review
November 11, 2013
Continuing their reviews of
Adventures in Odyssey
Album 57, the podcast team
reviews "More Than a
Feeling" and tackles topics
such as the development of
Eugene and Katrina, Camillia
Parker's "Yay, Jesus!"
moments, and the meaning of
love. |
The Friend Formula
in Review
October 29, 2013
Join your source for reviews
on Adventures in Odyssey
episodes once again as
Kevin, Garrett, and Ryan
review Album 57: A Call
to Something More. The
team talks about "The Friend
Formula", the depth of Jay
Smouse as a character, and
continuity between episodes. |
No Chemistry Whatsoever
in Review
October 18, 2013
Kevin, Garrett, and Ryan move forward in
their reviews of
Adventures in Odyssey
Album 57: A Call to
Something More. The team
reviews "No Chemistry
Whatsoever" and discusses
the relationship between
Wooton and Penny, Connie and
Eugene, and Whit's wisdom. |
Your Servant Is Listening
in Review
October 10, 2013
The ScoopCast begins a journey through
Adventures in Odyssey Album
57: A Call to Something
More. The team reviews "Your
Servant Is Listening" in
their own special way and
shares insights about the
latest AIO release. |
Take It from the Top
September 26, 2013
The Odyssey ScoopCast brings
in fresh new theme songs, a
new co-host, and new
directions. Seasoned hosts
Kevin McCreary and Garrett
Vandenberg welcome Ryan
Matlock to the podcast team.
Plus, the trio discusses the
future of the show and
what's in store as we turn a
page in the history of the
podcast. |
Odyssey of
the Mind
September 6, 2013
Hosts Kevin McCreary and
Garrett Vandenberg conclude
their interview series with
Adventures in Odyssey
co-creator Phil Lollar. Phil
discusses the craft of audio
storytelling for shows like
Adventures in Odyssey
and the freedom it gives
listeners to use their
imaginations. |
An Odyssey,
of Sorts
August 20, 2013
The ScoopCast brings in Phil
Lollar, co-creator of
Adventures in Odyssey,
for a behind-the-scenes
interview. Phil discusses
his involvement with the
Jungle Jam
radio drama and
Little Dogs on the Prairie
video series. Plus, he
details his involvement in
the creation of four
flightless birds for the
animated video series
3-2-1 Penguins.
But a podcast wouldn't be
complete without Phil's
insights into his current
audio drama project:
Iliad House. |
All About
August 6, 2013
The Odyssey
ScoopCast concludes its
exciting interview series
with actor Brandon
Gilberstadt, voice of Jared
DeWhite on
Adventures in
Odyssey. Brandon discusses
his experience in the
entertainment industry and
gives advice to aspiring
voice actors. Plus, he
brainstorms an Odyssey
episode that never made it
to the airwaves. |
Night Vision
Goggles and Jared DeWhite
March 25, 2013
After a
months-long hiatus, The
Odyssey ScoopCast returns
with full force and new
surprises! Podcast hosts
Kevin McCreary and Garrett
Vandenberg bring in one of
Adventures in Odyssey's
favorite characters of all
time for a special
behind-the-scenes interview.
Actor Brandon Gilberstadt,
voice of Jared DeWhite,
talks about how he got
involved with
Adventures in
Odyssey, his hiatus from the
show, and other acting roles
over the years. |
Live at the
July 25, 2012
Journey with
The Odyssey ScoopCast as
podcast host Kevin McCreary
chronicles his travels to
Adventures in Odyssey's 25th
Birthday Bash celebration
and live show in Dallas,
Texas. He meets up with
co-host Garrett Vandenberg
for the first time and
the live recording of an
Adventures in
episode. Plus, go behind the
scenes as the we interview
other Odyssey fans, cast and
production crew. It's a
video podcast celebration
you won't want to miss!
Features appearances by the
Adventures in
cast and crew and some
unexpected surprises. |
Two Cents and
a Penny
June 10, 2013
It's a casual conversation
as we wrap up our interview
with voice actress Kimmy
Robertson. Kimmy discusses
the voice acting world and
gives insights to fans
interested in acting. Plus,
host Kevin McCreary shares a
special announcement about
Adventures in Odyssey's
upcoming 25th anniversary
celebration on June 16,
2012. |
Penny-and-Dime Thinking
April 3, 2012
It's a
small-talk edition of The
Odyssey ScoopCast as Kevin
and Garrett continue their
interview with
Adventures in
Odyssey's Kimmy Robertson
(voice of Penny Wise). Join
them as they talk about
voices, characters, oranges
(oranges?!), and the value
Adventures in
Odyssey. |
Penny for
Your Thoughts
March 9, 2012
Hosts Kevin McCreary and
Garrett Vandenberg start off
fresh with an interview
series featuring actress
Kimmy Robertson, voice of
Adventures in
Penny Wise. Kimmy discusses
how she became involved with
the show, "Twin Peaks", and
more in
this casual interview series
and shares stories with the
Odyssey world. |
John Campbell
and New AIO Themes
January 5, 2012
Now that the creation and
progression of the
Adventures in Odyssey
theme has been discussed,
composer John Campbell
details the work that went
into updating the theme song
released in 2010. It's a
conclusion to our interview
series you won't want to
miss! |
John Campbell
November 21, 2011
The ScoopCast continues its
special interview series
with Adventures in
Odyssey composer John
Campbell. John discusses his
involvement with the
creation and progression of
the Odyssey theme song over
the years. Plus, hear
exclusive news about what's
coming up from the Odyssey
team! |
with Composer John Campbell
September 24, 2011
Hosts Kevin McCreary and
Garrett Vandenberg go behind
the scenes in an interview
with Adventures in
Odyssey composer John
Campbell. John discusses how
he got interested in music
in his early days, musical
styles, and music software.
It's the first installment
of an interview series you
don't want to miss! |
Podcasts and
September 19, 2011
Your ScoopCast host
discusses what's happening
in the Adventures in
Odyssey podcast world,
celebrations, and an
upcoming treat, produced by
fans...for fans. |
Brock Eastman
and Blue People
August 10, 2011
The ScoopCast concludes its
interview series with Brock
Eastman, Product Marketing
Manager for Adventures in
Odyssey and Focus on the
Family. Brock discusses the
book cover for his book
"Taken" in "The Quest for
Truth" series. In addition,
he gives advice to aspiring
writers and talks about the
creative process. |
Up with Brock Eastman
July 11, 2011
The ScoopCast continues its
interview series with Brock
Eastman, Product Marketing
Manager for Adventures in
Odyssey and Focus on the
Family. Brock focuses in on
the upcoming "Clanging
Cymbals and the Meaning of
God's Love" and other AIO
products. Plus, learn about
Brock's brand-new book
series "The Quest for Truth"
and hear a special trailer
for the series. |
Marketing Taken Up by the
June 18, 2011
Brock Eastman, Product
Marketing Manager for
Adventures in Odyssey
and Focus on the Family,
steps up to the microphone.
In this special
behind-the-scenes ScoopCast
interview, Brock shares
about his job and his
thoughts on working for the
Official Adventures in
Odyssey Podcast. Also,
he shares his experiences
regarding the hit reality
family the Duggars, and even
gives info on the upcoming
Album 54 of AIO. |
All Q's have
been A'd. Did you catch
May 31, 2011
Our behind-the-scenes Q&A
with The Ceiling Fan
Podcast concludes. Find
out what the Ceiling Fan
team does apart from TCF and
learn about the podcast's
artist. Also, the team
discusses production,
microphones, and how the
brainstorming happens. Then,
top it all off with a walk
down memory lane. |
Ceiling Fan answers.
May 18, 2011
Continue a behind-the-scenes
Q&A with The
Ceiling Fan Podcast.
This time, the team talks
about their personal lives,
choosing actors for the
show, forgotten storylines,
and how to get involved in a
podcast that strives to
entertain. |
Behind The
Ceiling Fan
May 5, 2011
Join the
ScoopCast for the second
installment of the
behind-the-scenes Q&A with The
Ceiling Fan Podcast. Find
out how the team got
together to create the show,
listen to Kevin talk about
his first role in an
Adventures in
episode, and more. |
Where Odyssey
hits the Fan creators
May 2, 2011
Go behind the scenes in a
special behind-the-scenes
Q&A segment with the
creators of The
Ceiling Fan Podcast.
The podcast crew is all
together in one place to
answer your questions about
their edgy show. |
Our interview
with Whit concludes.
April 7, 2011
In conclusion
to our interview with Whit
Hertford, we discuss Rodney
Rathbone and Jay Smouse.
Plus, Whit gives advice to
aspiring voice actors on how
to get started in the field.
It's a podcast you won't
want to miss. |
Sometimes it
takes a bully to make a
March 24, 2011
Hosts Kevin
and Garrett continue their
interview with actor Whit
Hertford, voice of Jay
Smouse. Whit talks about his
acting experiences and
recent roles. Go behind the
scenes in this exclusive
interview... ScoopCast
style. |
interview with Odyssey's "frenemy"
March 17, 2011
The ScoopCast
goes behind the scenes in an
interview with actor Whit
Hertford, voice of
Adventures in
Odyssey bully
Jay Smouse. Sit down as we
join Whit for a casual
conversation about his
acting and experiences. |
someone say Burbank,
February 8, 2011
Journey along with host
Kevin McCreary as he travels
to Burbank, California to
witness the recording of
Adventures in Odyssey
Album 54! |
The early
bird always gets the worm.
In this case, Album 53 one
month early!
February 1, 2011
Hosts Kevin and Garrett
unveil exciting news about
how fans can listen to Album
53, "The Green Ring
Conspiracy", early. Plus,
Garrett opens his fan mail
for this first time. |
Two are
better than one. And a sneak
peek at Album 53 is always a
January 23, 2011
The ScoopCast welcomes a new
co-host, Garrett Vandenberg,
to the team of Adventures
in Odyssey
investigators. Also, hear a
never-before-released teaser
for the upcoming Album 53 of
the world's top audio drama. |
with Nathan Jones and
Christopher Diehl Concludes
December 2, 2010
The ScoopCast
goes behind the scenes with
sound designers Nathan Jones
and Christopher Diehl once
again to discuss the
Adventures in
Odyssey episode "An
Agreeable Nanny." Plus, hear
some extra goodies. |
"The Green Ring Conspiracy"
October 21, 2010
Get ready for more
Adventures in Odyssey
news and secrets revealed
about the upcoming Album 53,
"The Green Ring Conspiracy."
It's all available Spring
2011 with some exciting
surprises along the way.
Plus, learn more about a new
podcast that follows yours
truly. |
Dropping with Christopher
Diehl and Nathan Jones
October 1, 2010
In Part 5 of our interview,
Nathan Jones and Christopher
Diehl discuss the amazing
art of fruit dropping and
the connection between
coffee and success. Plus,
the two give insights to
those who may be interested
in sound design. Oh, and...
psst. Can you find a clue in
today's podcast? |
When You're
Right, You're listening to
an Interview with Nathan
Jones and Christopher Diehl.
September 28, 2010
Join Odyssey sound designers
Nathan Jones and Christopher
Diehl in Part 4 of the
ScoopCast's interview. This
time, they talk about the
creation of the musical
birthday card in "When
You're Right, You're Right,"
and more. |
Behind the
Scenes with Nathan Jones and
Christopher Diehl
September 22, 2010
Part 3 of the ScoopCast's
interview with sound
designers Nathan Jones and
Christopher unveils details
about the upcoming episode
"A Thankstaking Story."
Plus, hear a
never-before-released scene
from the show! |
Sound Design
with Nathan Jones and
Christopher Diehl
September 17, 2010
In Part 2 of the ScoopCast's
interview with Nathan Jones
and Christopher Diehl, Nate
provides more details and
insights into sound effect
creation. Plus, learn about
Nate's involvement with
Focus on the Family's "The
Screwtape Letters." |
with Nathan Jones and
Christopher Diehl, sound
designers for Adventures
in Odyssey.
September 13, 2010
Go behind the scenes with
sound designers Nathan Jones
and Christopher Diehl as
they share favorite
memories, stories, and
secrets of Adventures in
Odyssey. |
Go behind the
scenes with Kevin McCreary
as he sneaks up on writer
Nathan Hoobler!
August 27, 2010
It's our first video
ScoopCast, and host Kevin
McCreary is out to get
answers to your
Adventures in Odyssey
questions... but in Nathan
Hoobler's house?! |
Call to the Fans
August 13, 2010
It's an in-between podcast,
where we ask for visitor
input! Find out how you can
get involved. |
Tribute to the Unofficial
July 21, 2010
Continuing along the lines
of ScoopCast 7, this special
tribute is dedicated to the
folks at the Unofficial
Adventures in Odyssey
Podcast. |
Podcasts in
the Spotlight
July 20, 2010
It's a Podcast Podcast
edition of the ScoopCast,
featuring news about various
podcasts in the Odyssey
online community. It's a
special shout-out to
podcasters who make our
lives a little sweeter. |
Answers to
Fans' Questions
July 4, 2010
A special Independence Day
edition of the ScoopCast
brings answers to some of
the big questions from
Adventures in Odyssey's
die-hard fans. |
Album 52 on
the Horizon
June 14, 2010
The ScoopCast reveals
exclusive details about
Adventures in Odyssey
album 52, "Cause and
Effect", and throws in a
special surprise. |
Don't believe
everything you hear.
June 4, 2010
The Odyssey ScoopCast
releases its first half
episode. In other words,
it's not a full episode and
you can always expect
special surprises along the
way. |
Spring Season
Winds Down
May 31, 2010
With the Spring 2010 Season
at its end, the ScoopCast
talks about what's happening
now and in the future. Plus,
learn how you can
participate for cool Odyssey
prizes, see a video of
Nathan Hoobler, and more. |
A Scoop of
May 10, 2010
The ScoopCast talks about
album 52, special insider
videos, and a
behind-the-scenes interview
with Zach Callison, voice of
Matthew Parker on
Adventures in Odyssey.
Also, get a sneak peek at
what's in store for weekend
shows. |
May 1, 2010
It's time to reveal details
about Album 52. Also, rumors
are flying and the ScoopCast
sets out to sort the facts
from the fiction. |
An adventure
in podcasting begins.
April 26, 2010
The Odyssey Scoop announces
its first edition of The
Odyssey ScoopCast, a podcast
following the ins and outs
of Adventures in Odyssey
and The Odyssey Scoop (odysseyscoop.com). |